Sometimes I Hate My Own Gender. Allow Me To Vent My Spleen.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The Sisterhood of Martyrdom

The Wench finds that many of her sex profess to admire tough, unflappable, uber-competent women. Many of her sex likewise profess to want nothing more than to see tough, unflappable, uber-competent women in positions of power such as the presidency.
Bull-pucky, says The Wench.

There is oft-times a gaping divide between what women say they want and how they really feel. The reality is that most females are uncomfortable with tough, unflappable uber-competent women. They feel threatened by them -- in fact, they're threatened by all women who don't care about being "nice" or about ensuring that no one's feelings are hurt when expressing an opinion.

They do not always want to see a tough, unflappable, uber-competent woman succeed.

Case in point: The female voter who asked the question that drove Hillary Clinton to the brink of tears was actually won over by Hillary's emotional response:

Likewise, another female voter declared that she was shifting her support from Obama to Clinton because of Hillary's tears:

The above echoes the meteoric rise in Ms. Clinton's popularity among women following the disclosure of her husband's dalliance with Ms. Lewinsky.

Women don't like strong women so much. They prefer female victims -- the more emotional, the better, but in a pinch, a gal who bravely suffers in silence will do, too.
Ladies, when will we stand behind and celebrate the unsentimental, decidedly un-warm-and-fuzzy battle-axes who can actually lead? Such as:

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